• So I hear you’re bored.

    That's okay. Some of history's greatest heroes were once bored, and they went on to do great things. You? Probably not so much. You might be able to score a coffee from Starbucks or something if you can get out of bed before they close. In the meantime, why not read some of these sweet entertainment reviews? Maybe you'll find something to help you fight back against the boredom. Maybe you'll find coffee. Probably not coffee. But maybe.
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    Faceplant by Enosh, Elrood, and Tophat is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
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Kick-Ass: With a name like that who needs the MPAA?

As a man who absolutely hates a spoiler I do love Hollywood’s occasional lean towards misrepresentation in trailers. The promotion I recall for Kick-Ass falls squarely in this realm. The promotion left me with an idea of Kick-Ass as a comedic satire of theĀ  comic book superhero genre involving four ordinary people who team up to become superheroes. It certainly is a satire of the genre, but it’s too clever to be a straight up comedy. In fact there are some tragic elements that lend a lot drama to the story. Kick-Ass take a boldly irreverent approach to the life of a superhero. It’s as though either Mark Millar or Matthew Vaughn deliberately hates comic books. But then I guess I would too if I was force-fed them in the bathroom by the gym everyday at lunch in high school. His doctor kept telling him he’d be more regular with more green in his diet, but the bullies insisted on including the lanterns too. Continue reading