• So I hear you’re bored.

    That's okay. Some of history's greatest heroes were once bored, and they went on to do great things. You? Probably not so much. You might be able to score a coffee from Starbucks or something if you can get out of bed before they close. In the meantime, why not read some of these sweet entertainment reviews? Maybe you'll find something to help you fight back against the boredom. Maybe you'll find coffee. Probably not coffee. But maybe.
  • Medium of choice

  • All your favs

  • Creative Commons License
    Faceplant by Enosh, Elrood, and Tophat is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
    Based on a work at faceplantreview.wordpress.com.
    Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://faceplant.co.

About Enosh

The world-wide web has given us much in the 15 years we have surfed its waves of information, but so often what is missing amidst the sea of anonymity is the buoy of truth.
That my dear friend is precisely what I vow to provide you within the confines of this meager lot. I believe that while the truths I offer may be found offensive to some, deep down humanity’s respect for the noble esteem will prevail.
While man is little more than his ideals it is so often his past upon which those ideals are based, so allow me to give you the briefest of glimpses into the founding of Enosh.
In school I considered myself a jock, and while I played many varsity sports I was neither athletic nor successful. I denied any and all possibility that I could be a nerd, though looking back it was clear that was where my tendencies lay. I was a fascinated by a galaxy far far away and an alternate reality lying just a red pill away, but more importantly I was an acknowledged bookworm. What began as an adventure into the mystery of little town called Bayport quickly grew into a journey through the great literary works produced throughout human history.
I have often shunned modern works, though I have suspected this is a result of the sheer volume of works and not a denotation of a lack of quality. Since the first printing press whetted its type the quantity of books has skyrocketed but only the most significant of those first runs remains, and there is comfort in this. I have similarly applied this thinking when lamenting the lack of quality music in our current age. Few of Mozart’s contemporaries survived the test of time. It is only the great whose fame outlives them. I’m sure history will discover some musician of quality from the 2000’s. There must have been someone.
But, as I am fond of doing, digress. My love of literature blossomed in college, as did my love of film. Broadening my horizons beyond the Saturday Afternoon at the Movies, and the taped from television classics I grew up with was an exciting and enlightening time. As a scholar of journalism I harbored a deep love of a good story and I found good storytelling beyond the written word.
This was most notable in my growing love of videogames as well. As a child I was not permitted to own a gaming console, it was considered a drain on my studies. I did however play a number of classics at friends homes. When I reached junior high I was allowed to dabble in computer gaming, but in college my friends had an Xbox and I was quickly hooked. Harkening back to my days on the field I found I was a poor competitor, but I loved the camaraderie and the excitement video games provided. When my roommate drifted off and I found myself beginning a bout with insomnia that still strikes from time to times I began exploring a new avenue of play, the single player mode. Here I found a wealth of engrossing stories and was immediately transfixed by the ability to interact and influence the outcome of these tales.
One particular medium for storytelling has enraptured me longer than any other, and that is the comic. Never one for full comic books, I was always a fan of the funnies. In particular I admire Bill Watterson, a true genius. As in the days following Gutenberg’s leap into the history pages, the number of comics has exploded since the advent of the web. But this is one area I am not content to sit back and wait for history to determine which storytellers and artists should stand the test of time, and you shouldn’t either. So please, allow myself and Tophat to sift through the tentacled masses and bring you the true Watterson’s, Mozart’s, and Hemingway’s of a decidedly 21st Century medium.